Sunday, August 23, 2009

A trillion here, a trillion there . . .

This graph shows the Administration's revised deficit projections. They are now in line with the CBO's projections from a few months ago. Notice how much longer the lines on the right side are from the grey lines on the left. Those are the deficit outlays from the Bush years.

It is true that Bush was not fiscally responsible, but isn't it about time Obama and his defenders stopped pointing fingers at Bush whenever a conservative mentions the deficit? (I would be fine with that if it meant that Obama were actually changing course, rather than bleeding out money at a wildly unprecedented pace. )

Bear in mind, too, that these projections are based on estimates which, as when I am trying to convince my husband to up his allowance as to how much house we can afford, are often viewed under the very most optimistic assumptions.

Anyway, I will close by highlighting what I call some real hope and change.

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